Your donations are very important to us. They enable us to meet the expenses of our Services and to contribute to New Zealand needs of Self-Realization Fellowship work. Donations can be made through internet banking to our Circle’s bank account.
- Account Name –
WGTN SRF Meditation Circle
- Account Number –
06 0549 0676091 01
The Wellington Meditation Circle of Self-Realization Fellowship offers regular Meditation and Reading Services that are open to the public during the times indicated below. All are welcome to attend.
Our Guru emphasized that the united devotion and concentration of group meditation can powerfully increase the depth of each devotee’s meditation.
Opening times:
Please note that doors open ten minutes prior scheduled Services. The venue for meditation is not open at other times.
Meditation Service - 7:00 P.M. to 8:15 P.M.
Our Wednesday Meditation Service consists of silent meditation for 45 minutes. Each Service begins with a prayer and short inspirational reading followed by a short period of devotional chanting. The meditation ends, with a short chant, the Worldwide Prayer Circle Service and a closing prayer.
Please note that the SRF Energization Exercises are not taught at this service. The SRF Energization Exercises are available through the SRF Lessons. If you have not yet learned them, you may choose to sit and meditate at the beginning of the service.
These Special Services are held throughout the year to honor either the birth or mahasamadhi (final conscious exit from the physical body) of one of the Self Realization Fellowship line of Gurus.
You may bring a flower, symbolizing devotion for the Master being honoured, and a donation. The donation symbolizes loyalty to Their work and appreciation of the spiritual riches attained through Their grace. Please email for further details.